Early Bird Deadline: August 1, 2024 • Final Deadline: October 3, 2024

Contest winners will be notified during the last week of November for each year’s contest.




The Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest is open to books, e-Books, and audiobooks of most genres (including children’s books) published in any calendar year, in any country, as long as they are written in English and available for purchase. Provided they adhere to the above criteria, we accept books from authors, illustrators, publishers, and self-publishers located in any country.

Submission Guidelines:

Participants may submit a title to multiple categories but must complete a separate entry form for each book. You will receive a confirmation email once you've completed your order. Books will not be returned.

  • Printed books: Mail one (1) copy of each book for each category in which it is entered. Along with the book, send one (1) printed copy of the email confirmation for each category entered. When submitting more than one book, all entries may be sent in the same envelope. Mail books to:

    Cristy Bertini
    Story Monsters Book Awards
    1271 Turkey Street
    Hardwick, MA 01037

  • e-Books and audiobooks: Email one (1) electronic copy (PDF or ePub file accepted) of the book and a copy of the email confirmation to with “Royal Dragonfly Book Awards” as the subject.

Entry Fees:

Contest entries accepted in 2 formats: printed book or ebook.

A printed entry submitted on or before August 1, 2024, is $65 per category.
After August 1, 2024, the printed entry fee is $70 per category.

An eBook entry submitted on or before August 1, 2024, is $60 per category.
After August 1, 2024, the eBook entry fee is $65 per category.

We accept payment by credit card and PayPal. There are no refunds.

Judging Process:

Judging will be based on content, originality, and overall readability, with emphasis on innovation and creativity. Our judging panel consists of teachers, librarians, subject-specific industry experts, and professionals in editing, publishing, and marketing. Every entry will be read by the judges, whose decisions are final.

The contest coordinators reserve the right to switch the category for an entry, to cancel a category if the number of entries is insufficient, or to decide not to have a winner if the level of the best entries is not up to publishing industry standards. Any entry not conforming to the guidelines will be disqualified without author notification. There will be no refund for disqualified entries.

Winning an Award:

Not every book entered will win an award. To be eligible to win an award, a book must earn a minimum score of 60 out of 80 judges’ points, even if it is the ONLY entry in a category.

Announcement of Winners:

Contest winners will be notified during the last week of November for each year’s contest.


“… As a first-time indie author, winning three First Place Royal Dragonfly Book Awards gave me the courage to reach out to the media directly—and that landed me a front-page regional newspaper feature, which boosted book sales and social media followers …”

—Ivy Cayden, author of Everything All At Once
(Book 1 in the Chorduroys And Too Many Boys™ series)